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I have so many people to thank for my incredible time here.

(PS I look yuck in a lot of these pictures because I had just been crying at the staff farewells, where Peter gave us going away gifts and staff offered up a myriad of speeches about us. It was the best.)

Thank you first and foremost to my host family, especially Miriana. They brought me into their home without ever meeting me and accepted me as one of their own. I always felt safe at home and knew it was a place to relax and have fun. And having the master bedroom/suite wasn't too bad, either. ;) You were the best second family ever! New Zealand would definitely not have been the same without you.

Thank you to my mentors and teacher at Tirimoana. Their guidance was so necessary over the past two months. Especially Louise, who was our Global Teaching Supervisor. She helped us all through a lot!

Thank you to the Deputy Principal, Tracey, for always making sure we were comfortable, and for sharing such funny memories of working at camp in the US and even celebrating Christmas in Silver Lake, Wisconsin one year!

Thank you to Peter Kaiser, the Head Principal, who was the initial contact we had with Tiri. You welcomed us to school with open arms and we deeply appreciate it! This was the 'guinea pig' year for SNC students and Tirimoana, and you helped us have a very smooth transition teaching here.

Thank you to Jenny, who runs the school office, for answering all of our (many) questions about life here at Tiri. You were so kind and compassionate to us as we made our way through this season of life.

Thank you to the teachers who let me observe you in your element! You shared ideas, inspiration, stories, and so much else with me and I am grateful. Tiri has incredible educators who are changing the world through the sometimes difficult and grueling, but always worth it, work of teaching young minds. Congratulations on finishing another school year!

Thank you to the other host moms, Ash and Julie! Julie, you were always down for an adventure, whether it be to the American grocery store or to a Christmas Market. Ash, you are so wonderful, and our adventure at the zoo was so fun!

Thank you to my hilarious, funny, smart and loveable students! I got to go to camp, many field trips, assemblies, performances, and other days along the way, which was a lot to handle sometimes, but you were worth it. You made my time in New Zealand a growing and enriching experience, and I will forever be better for it.

Below are some lyrics from For Good, a song from the musical Wicked, which I thinks encapsulates my feelings towards everyone described in this post (including many others not mentioned!).

"It well may be That we will never meet again In this lifetime So, let me say before we part So much of me Is made of what I learned from you You'll be with me Like a handprint on my heart And now whatever way our stories end I know you have rewritten mine By being my friend."

"Because I knew you I have been changed For good."

Thank you, all, and goodbye.

Love always, Bobbi.


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