Basic information about New Zealand and my school placement:
The Country
Geographic Location: Oceania/Pacific Island
Population: 4.6 million (3.6 million living on the North Island, which is where I will be!)
Culture: A wide variety of cultures are represented in the country. Here are a few:
European descent: 74%, Maori: 14.9%, Asian: 11.8%, non-Maori Pacific Islander: 7.8%
Weather: subtropical on the North Island!
Currency: New Zealand dollar
Language: the 3 official languages are English, Maori, and New Zealand Sign Language.
Political Conditions: New Zealand's Head of State is Queen Elizabeth II, and their prime minister is Jacinda Ardern. They run off a system of several political parties.
Exports: wine, dairy products, meat, wool, fish, machinery
Religion: about half the population identifies as either Christian, Hindu, or Buddhist. There are some indigenous religions represented in small amounts as well.
Communication Styles: personal space is important to Kiwis, as is shaking hands and eye contact when greeting someone. From what I've read so far, this part of life seems somewhat similar to what I've experienced growing up in Southeast Wisconsin.